Wedding Photo Booth | Four Seasons Hotel | Westlake Village, CA
This wedding was so much fun. I love that the bride and groom found the time to be in a bunch of pictures. It is so awesome so see a B&G having such a great time. And there guests were just hysterically funny.
The cutout of the two of them in their robes with the dog was too cute. It made it's way into a ton of photos. As well as a couple of wedding crashers, a friend that was a double for Barack Obabma and a guest that couldn't keep his shirt on. Needless to say I had a few laughs!
The Four Seasons Westlake Village was just a little ways past Los Angeles and just up the hill from the beautiful beach at Malibu. Great location!
And our road trip to the wedding was equally as fun. A great trio - can't wait to repeat. Thelma, Thelma and Louise.