Wedding Photo Booth | Camelback Inn Golf Club | Scottsdale, Arizona
OK what are the chances of running into a couple at a wedding twice this month? They were wedding guests at two different wedding featured on this blog - and they happen to be getting married. Wow. Of all the weddings that occur in the valley and all the photo booths out there, what are the odds????
This past weekends wedding was at the JW Marriott Camelback Inn - Golf Club. Such an idyllic setting - a tad windy this past Saturday but what a gorgeous spot. Rhonda Rush of Impact Events did an outstanding job. The ballroom looked gorgeous.
As always, we are grateful to be included on a wedding day. It is truly an honor to share in all the laughs and fun that a couple and their guests share on such an important day! And of course we are happy to contribute our brand of fun.
Congrats B + T!